I’m all about using and creating resources that make things easy to organize and help you lean into creative flow while keeping priorities in focus.
These courses feature resources that I use regularly so I show you how to use them from my personal experience.
When you enroll, you get instant and forever access.

Learn how to use Trello
to organize literally everything in your business
so it's always easy to access whenever you need it.

Literally Everything at your Fingertips
in Trello
If you have not heard of Trello, allow me to introduce you. My absolute favorite website/app for keeping literally everything organized and handy.
Trello is super easy to set up, syncs across all your devices, and will make your life so much easier!
In this course you’ll learn:
How to use the free version of Trello and add as many boards as you need
Lots of ways that Trello can be a lifesaver when you need important information
All my favorite tips and tricks
What you’ll get:
Instant, lifetime access to the course
Access to my Trello board templates
Canva templates to create custom card labels
The benefit of having a simple and convenient method of organization

Wholehearted Planner Resource Center
Free access when you purchase or download one of my wholehearted planners or notebooks.
You’ll learn:
How to get started in digital planning
How to use GoodNotes (my fave note taking app)
How to add digital stickers to your pages
Tips for setting (and striving for) your goals and big dreams

Courses I have completed and recommend:
These are affiliate links. I’m honored to partner with these amazing creatives promote their work.
I’m very selective in what I suggest here. My main criteria is that the value is in line with the cost, and that the creator is the real deal.
Passive Income Planner Girl by Michelle Rohr & Aimee Johanan
THIS is the course I wish I had known about this before I started creating planners. I DIY’ed and learned by trial and (lots of) errors. This makes it easy to understand and get started without having to spend hours and hours figuring things out on your own.
In this course, you’ll learn how to turn your zone of genius into a digital planner and use your digital planner as a launching pad to a business full of raving fans while honoring your desires, your personality, and your joy in the journey every step of the way.
This course is about so much more than just learning how to create planners. There are also sections on things like:
Tapping into your zone of genius
Launching an Etsy shop and listing your first planner
Marketing on Pinterest
Creating a mini course
Setting up an affiliate program
The Magic is You by Michelle Rohr and Aimee Johanan
The Magic is You is for women who want to shed the B.S., step into their power, honor their intuition, and embrace their desires.
This is a personal development program that gives you the framework to embrace the inner work of becoming the fullest expression of who you really are and letting go of whatever does not serve the highest expression of you.
Digital Planner Template Kit by Michelle Rohr & Aimee Johanan
Do you dream of creating beautiful digital planners, but stress over the idea of making them from scratch?
You need the Digital Planner Template Kit!
Here's what's inside The Digital Planner Template Kit:
A fully customizable undated digital planner template with hyperlinked tabs ready for you to decorate.
Customizable graphics for promoting your planner on Pinterest and and listing it on Etsy.
Step-by-step tutorials walking you through how to decorate your digital planner template.
Plus, you get the extended commercial license as well so that you can sell as many digital planners as you want using this template!
Creating Digital Stickers course by Michelle Simpkin
Easily and quickly make digital stickers including basic shapes, post it notes, washi tape, realistic charms, picture frames, and widgets
Use easy-to-use, affordable software like:
Canva Pro (desktop + app)
Apple Keynote (desktop + app)
Affinity Publisher (desktop)
Market + package your stickers up for your customers and leave them wanting more!
The Extraordinary Sales Page Design Course by Jayme Ballard
Create THE sales page that will have your customers throwing their money at you - no matter what platform you're using.
You will have everything you need to create a BEAUTIFUL sales page that converts!
You will learn how to:
Select tasteful font pairings
Choose complimentary patterns, textures and graphics
Create a unique color palette you LOVE
Put all your design elements together in a beautiful mood board (includes a free mood board template)...and more!
Life Mentoring School
Get the skills and coaching you need to get unstuck and FINALLY create powerful results in your life and relationships— FASTER and EASIER than you ever thought possible!
This is my favorite resource of all to share. Since joining, I have learned to manage my thoughts and have been awakened to some dreams I've had that I didn't see myself as worthy of pursuing.
I turned 50 last year and I feel more alive than ever. I’m showing up for myself, as my true self. I’m experiencing more love, more connection, and more authenticity in my relationships. And I’ve enjoyed connecting with new friends in this amazing community.