Are you ready for transformation?

…to understand who God says you are, and to start living like it’s really TRUE?

You are already purposeful and complete and loved and enough. Nothing else is required. Your purpose is to do your internal work of BELIEVING THAT so that you quit asking your circumstances (the right job, etc) to give you purpose. You already have it and no job or calling or vocation will make you have more purpose. Stop trying to find a way to matter more. You already matter ALL YOU CAN MATTER. Your purpose is not what you do but who you are.
— Dr. Edie Wadsworth

Are you yearning for a life filled with purpose, joy, and the abundant blessings that you were created for? Do you find yourself wrestling with thoughts that hinder your progress and emotions that seem overwhelming? Are you tired of feeling stuck and thinking you should have things figured out by now?

I struggled with low self esteem most of my life. I always compared myself to others and never measured up to who I thought I should be. I internally beat myself up constantly for feeling like I wasn’t enough and too much, all at the same time.

I had dreams, and even felt pretty certain that it was God who put those dreams in me, but I didn’t feel worthy of accomplishing them.

I’ve always loved to plan, have a word for the year, and create vision boards… but soon after putting those things together, I’d start giving in to the harmful thoughts that said, “Who are you to think that you could do that?” I’d question my worth and doubt my potential.

Several years ago I started practicing art journaling as a way to process emotions. I learned some practical tools that made a huge difference, so I was no longer stuffing my feelings inside or silently shooing them away.

And then I discovered life coaching and the power of my thoughts. I learned that my thoughts create my feelings, and my feelings influence the actions I take, which produce my results.

Now I allow myself to feel my emotions. Even the ones I don’t really like. I’ve learned to sit with them and process them in a way that is nourishing and practical.

I’ve learned to embrace who God created me to be and stop making myself wrong for feeling things deeply, being an introvert, etc.

I’ve learned to pay attention to my thoughts and choose which ones I allow to stick around.

I practice choosing thoughts that are truthful and beneficial, full of life and hope.

I would love to help you do the same! It’s a much more joyful way to live!

The thoughts we choose to dwell on and the words we say to ourselves shape the very course of our lives and impact how we relate to others. When we learn to actively take control of these thoughts and work to renew our mindset, we can free ourselves from being stuck in damaging cycles and patterns that hinder our progress and relationships.

We need to come to know who we truly are, that uniquely beautiful person that God has made us. And have the courage to live accordingly. Each of us is a unique expression of the divine goodness and beauty. If we do not live that and express it in our lives, it will never be expressed in this world for the glory of God and the up-building of the whole Body of Christ.
— Breaking Bread, Basil Pennington

Are you ready to be transformed
by the renewing of your mind?

Are you yearning for a life filled with purpose, joy, and the abundant blessings that you were created for? Do you find yourself wrestling with thoughts that hinder your progress and emotions that seem overwhelming? Are you tired of feeling stuck and thinking you should have things figured out by now?

I invite you to embark on a transformative journey with me where we will navigate the path to living the abundant life you were destined for.

Discover Your Divine Purpose: Together, we will uncover the unique purpose that God has crafted for you. Through personalized coaching sessions, we'll explore your passions, gifts, and the calling that aligns with His divine plan. Your life is a masterpiece, and it's time to embrace the canvas with confidence. (Ephesians 2:10)

Manage Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: Thoughts are powerful architects of our reality. Let's identify and reframe those limiting beliefs that have held you back. I will guide you in renewing your mind according to God's Word, equipping you with the mindset necessary to take 100% responsibility for the results you create.

Emotional Healing Through Faith: Emotions are a beautiful part of our humanity, but they can also be challenging to navigate. I used to think certain emotions were negative. We often stuff those feelings down and wish them away. I have learned to allow all the feelings to come, and how to work through them in a healthy way instead of making myself wrong for having them. Together, we'll explore practical ways to process emotions, providing a foundation for emotional healing and resilience.

Experience True Abundance: God created you for an abundant life, filled with awe and wonder. Are you experiencing that on a daily basis? Abundance is not just about material wealth—it's a holistic and fulfilling way of life. With my Christian life coaching, you'll learn to cultivate gratitude, embrace abundance in all areas, and align your thoughts with God's promises. Your journey towards a life overflowing with blessings starts now!

What You Can Expect:

  • Personalized coaching sessions tailored to your unique needs.

  • Biblical guidance to align your life with God's Word.

  • Tools and strategies to manage your thoughts and process emotions.

  • Support and encouragement as you pursue your God-given purpose.

  • A transformative journey towards a life of abundance and fulfillment.

I’m ready to hold space for you and give you some tools that will help you.

Are you ready to take control of your thoughts and create a life you love?

Coaching services

Discovery Call

This FREE 30 minute Zoom session allows us to get to know each other and lets you find out more about my coaching services. I’ll explain what coaching is/isn’t, and what you can expect if you decide to become a client. Click the button below to book your no-obligation session.

Single Session

Bring your troubling thoughts and let’s talk it out. We will meet on Zoom (or phone if you’d rather).

$75 for single session

6 week coaching package

Two sessions each month for three months. You can choose whether we meet at the same day/time for each session or book biweekly according to your schedule. We will meet on Zoom (or phone if you’d rather) PLUS text and/or voice messaging between sessions via Voxer.

$333 for 6 weekly sessions
(3 monthly payments of $111)

12 week coaching package

Four sessions each month for three months. You can choose whether we meet at the same day/time for each session or book week to week according to your schedule. We will meet on Zoom (or phone if you’d rather) PLUS text and/or voice messaging between sessions via Voxer.

$600 for 12 weekly sessions (paid bi-weekly)


This is a Voxer only option. You can send me a message through Voxer (text, voice, video) whenever you like, and I’ll respond within 24 hours Monday-Friday. If you send a message on the weekend, I’ll respond by Monday.

$100 per month

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