Hello! I’m Jenny.
I like to make things and
connect with & encourage women.

in a nutshell:

I create digital products, courses, and experiences that inspire women to:

  • discover and unleash their creativity

  • connect with their Redeemer

  • dream a little bigger

  • realize their worth & potential

  • live the abundant lives they were created for

I also LOVE helping creative business owners set up their systems and presence online through:

  • web design and branding

  • creating workflows

  • organization and systems

  • making all the tech much less intimidating

Here’s the longer version…

I started out my creative business journey in 1997 (the same year I became a mom) as a consultant for a scrapbooking company.

I loved making albums for my family and gathering women in workshops and retreats to share stories while together we created albums that would become treasures.

I discovered a love for mixed media painting shortly after having my fourth baby in 2008.  (Around the same time I started my first blog, which to my surprise, still exists!)

I stumbled across Kelly Rae Roberts' book Taking Flight and devoured it.  I checked out just about every resource she listed and that's when I became acquainted with Mati Rose.  In 2009 Mati was looking for an intern, we met for coffee and connected, so we started working together.  She taught me a lot about her artistic process, as well as the business side of things, and I helped her organize and get etsy orders packaged and shipped.  I'm so grateful for her and the time we spent together.  Mati was very generous with her knowledge and encouraged me so much.  We had some pretty awesome lunches throughout the Mission District in SF.  She's the real deal and a great inspiration to me.  

In 2010, I became a single mom to my four amazing children, who were then 12, 10, 4, and 2.

Looking back at those years, I feel grateful for the closeness that we all have with each other. Those were hard times but God always provided and I wouldn’t trade the bonding with these four for anything.

During this time, I also found healing and restoration through art. Not fancy, exquisite art. Messy, soulful, therapeutic art. I discovered Melody Ross’ creative soul work and found so much solace in creating.

In 2008 I also opened an Etsy shop selling handmade items and mixed media art. In December 2009 I named my shop jenuine Ruby and finally created a logo in 2015.

Along with my Etsy shop, I’ve enjoyed setting up at craft fairs in the San Francisco Bay Area and Southern California to meet people in the handmade world and sell my wares.

I worked at Starbucks part time for about five years and continued homeschooling our kids for as long as I could.

Eventually I needed full time income, so in 2015 I started working at a local Christian school. For the first five years I worked in the preschool office and in 2020 I transitioned to kindergarten. Recently I stepped into the role of vice principal.

I love the students and families, and since our school goes from preschool through high school, I get to see the kids as they’re growing up. Those relationships are my favorite part of my job.

2015 was a big year! Aside from going back to work full time for the first time since having kids, I got remarried! Together we have six kids. Fun fact: his son and my second daughter were born on the same day, in the same hospital!

Life in the blender (as Sandi Patty named her book about blending families) has not always been easy, but it’s a journey worth the highs and lows.

When it comes to creative business, I haven’t been great at selling or promoting myself, but over the years I've grown to love the backend of business: the systems and flow that make everything work together.

I love setting up a new website, creating graphics and courses, and connecting all the systems so they function to deliver seamless transactions. I'm constantly in research and learning mode so I can figure out the best way to make things flow smoothly.

For the last five(ish) years, in addition to teaching, I’ve been creating courses and planners, sharing my love of creating and helping others with organization and systems.

Click here to see my course offerings and here to shop digital planners and notebooks.

Note: My digital, printable, and physical products are listed in my jenuine Ruby Etsy shop(still me!).

Currently: I’m going through training in art healing and recently became a certified life coach. So many women suffer in silence as we bully ourselves with destructive thoughts and carry the weight of our struggles. I want to help others find peace and healing through practically imperfect, messy art and coaching.

What really lights me up is creating alongside others and encouraging creativity in those who feel like they don’t have time or say they aren’t creative. (Spoiler: I believe we’re all creative in some way. I LOVE seeing the spark when someone discovers their creative side and lets her come out to play!

For a long time, I dreamed of creating a membership, a gathering of wholehearted creatives and kindred spirits. Recently my vision for this membership became more clear, and I finally opened the doors! Read more about it here.

I believe…

I believe there is still good in the world.

Yes, I see the sad and horrible things that happen and the terrible way people treat each other.

I see the division that has come between so many people.

But I also see beauty and love and kindness.

I believe that people are worth loving whether we have the same beliefs and values or not.

I believe in celebrating diversity, learning from each other, and continuing to grow.

I believe that anything is possible.

I believe that God’s love is relentless, faithful, and powerful, and that it is for everyone.

And whether you believe in the same things I do or not, I believe in you.

I love you and value you and think the world of you.

Black lives matter.