40 by 40

I've been inspired by lists lately. I guess because I've always been a list maker. It helps me be organized and I take great pleasure in crossing things off. No measly check marks here. Big messy crossing off feels so much more accomplished! A few months ago a friend on facebook posted a list of 28 things she wanted to do the year she turned 28 (or some number close to 28, but you get the picture). I really liked that idea and decided to come up with a list of 40 things I'd like to do by the time I'm 40. (I have exactly three years.)
I've seen a few Mondo Beyondo lists lately, and they are so inspiring. I'm excited to take the course asap and create my own list. But for now, I've decided to make a list of some short term goals. In no particular order, there are some family related, some fun related, some business, some art/craft, and some for the soul. I thought I'd post it here, and I'll come back to this post now and then to update my progress.
1. consistently make (x) amount of $ per month from my art and handmade goods. (contributing to the family income enough to work only from home.)
2. sell my wares in local shops
3. go to Squam
4. have a website with pages/links to a portfolio, my blog, online shop, etc
5. come up with a good name for my shop + blog (using jenny swanson on everything is not my favorite. I want something creative and clever that represents me but doesn't limit what I have to offer, since it's ever changing)
6. have developed my style/brand so that my work is cohesive and recognizable
7. go on a luxurious vacation with Joe
8. go on a sister trip
9. go hang gliding at Fort Funston
10. have a booth at a craft fair
11. be published in a magazine
12. do Beth Moore's "Daniel" Bible study + do the Daniel fast for the duration of the study
13. create a mini backyard Adventure Playground (more on this soon... that place was so cool)
14. complete (ok, and start) Judah's first year album
15. make bread from scratch at least monthly (would like to do this weekly, but I'll build up to that)
16. make and use my own laundry detergent
17. create and maintain a vegetable garden (family project)
18. make and wear my own clothing
19. make and stick to a weekly or monthly menu plan
20. participate in Illustration Friday weekly
21. family vacation to the Grand Canyon
22. complete the Couch to 5k plan
23. run regularly (at least 3x per week)
24. have ($x) in savings
25. take a ride in a hot air balloon
26. try at least one new recipe every month
27. participate in the Toy Society
28. tip 100% to a server who's having a hard day and doesn't necessarily desserve it based on the service provided
29. try a new craft or art project once a month with the kids
30. go to a new park every month with the kids (completed 1/36)
31. go on monthly dates with Joe
32. sleep in the back yard with the family
33. make a doll for Mercy
34. do collaborative paintings with Brooklyn
35. host a Stone Soup party
36. learn to make lumpia
37. learn to embroider
38. teach an online class
39. complete The Artists Way
40. visit my dad in Florida



adventure playground + giveaway winner


100th post! giveaway