blog it forward: inspiration

Today is the last day of

blog it forward indie biz style



, one of my classmates in the

Indie Business 2.0

class (which is now finished but if they offer this again, I say without a doubt if you think you might be the tiniest bit interested, GO FOR IT!!! You'll be so glad you did!!!)... anyway...


had this idea that some of us come together to do a blog it forward deal on our blogs. We all had a common topic: inspiration. You can read Brooke's first post on the project


. Each blog post links to the blog of the next person on the list, so if you'd like you can go check them all out... who knows, you may find a new blog or two that you really connect with!

This is the last stop on the tour. Most of the posts along the way have included photos and lots of links to things that are inspiring the writers along the way.

I have decided for my wrap-up of the project, to share a list of things that tend to be sources of inspiration for me. You see, it's been hard for me to decide just what to share here. I find inspiration in so many things (and people) every single day. Here are just some of the things that inspire me daily as a creative soul who happens to make things and is also a regular human living and loving life.

beauty in nature

my husband

my children

family and friends

song lyrics

lines from movies

the Word of God

the weather





other artists/ crafters

reading blogs

Really, inspiration is everywhere. We just have to be open and allow ourselves to receive it. This reminds me of a poem I learned a very long time ago (I was probably around 12). We were vacationing with my grandparents in Morro Bay. I saw this on a plaque in a gift shop and memorized it immediately. I think I even wrote it down and accompanied it with a drawing and had it hanging on my bedroom wall for a while. I googled it and couldn't find the author's name or the title, but this is the poem:

If you but look, you'll always find

that even the darkest day

holds a little ray of sunshine.

You'll find it in a friendly smile

or just a warm "hello".

You'll find it, if you're looking

almost everywhere you go.

And once you've found the litte ways

to let the sunshine through

You'll have it there to guide you

in everything you do.


happy mother's day!!!


jenuine ruby shop update!