Christmas card holder

Yesterday I saw a Christmas card holder at Crafts Direct that I just


to come home and try.  I started with a 12x36 inch canvas, a few spools of colorful ribbon, and these red thumbtacks.  (Theirs was left white, and they had simply added some red and green canvas snowflakes, which were available for an extra 16.99.)  I decided to skip the extra decorations and paint my background.  So I painted it brown, and then added some red dots here and there.

Next, I measured and marked down the sides at six inch intervals.  (I started at 3 1/2 inches from the top, so there'd be some of the canvas showing at the top and bottom once cards are hung.)  After measuring and marking on both sides, I stretched ribbon across and secured them into the sides of the canvas using red thumbtacks.

Next, I turned the canvas over and stapled the excess ribbon onto the frame in the back, and then trimmed off any extra ribbon that remained.

Here's the finished product, ready to be hung when little ones wake up from their naps.

First card hung.

Side detail.

Super easy!  You can do it too!  If you make one, take a photo and let me know!  Enjoy!


Christmas letter 08


flashback friday