collaboration coming soon


I posted this last week on my other blog:

Status update a few nights ago on





brainstorming, plotting, devising, conspiring, planning, collaborating.... need to be sleeping. stay tuned.

We've been back in the Bay Area for five plus months now.... but our stuff (aka most of our home furnishings and belongings) is still in Minnesota. We are feeling SO ready to go get it and have it here. We're still catching up financially from the two huge moves in six months and are no where near being able to afford the trip + uhaul necessary. So as I was drifting off to sleep the other night, my mind was whirling. Trying to figure out a way. We're thinking the trip total will be pretty close to $4,000. Crazy, I know!

Whenever you're in a situation that seems impossible, you have to look around and take stock of what's available. Like in the Bible, when Moses was afraid to confront Pharoah to let the Israelites go out of Egypt, God asked him, "What's that in your hand?". And He used the staff Moses carried to perform miracles and accomplish His will.

We have art in our hands. So here's what I came up with. If we do 100 paintings between us, and sell them for $40 each, we'd could make what we need. So we're percolating ideas and brainstorming and coming up with a list of titles for paintings. We'll each do our own take on each title, and everyday we'll release two paintings (one of each) until we've done all 100. We'll be starting a new blog and an etsy shop for the collaboration.

The theme will revolve around the move, transition, Minnesota, California, new beginnings, roots, family, etc.

I'd love feedback and/ or suggestions for this undertaking. We need to come up with a name for the project, and we could use some title suggestions for the paintings. And of course, if you'd spread the word about this, with links to our blog and shop when they're up, that would be MUCH appreciated!

**Update: We have a name! We're calling this the Retrieval Project. And we have our list of titles. We're busy with our ideas and our paintings, and are planning to launch the project on August 1st. New blog will be up soon also. Please stay tuned!


renegade sf


little pink houses