
I just joined Curves.  Last week I put a picture on my flickr site which showed my weakness for ice cream and explained my weight loss plan:  to eat up all the ice cream in the house and then not buy more.  If only it were that simple!  I realize that I gave birth just two and a half months ago, but my baby weight seems to be hanging on longer than usual this time.  Maybe its my age.  But probably not.  

When I had Mercy, Brooklyn and Zeke went to school down the street from our house, and I walked them to school and then up the big hill home everyday.  I also did some weight lifting at home.  It wasn't long before I was back to pre-pregnancy weight after I had her, without really trying.  This time, we're homeschooling and having a toddler who needs a nap everyday for a few hours after lunch, I don't always get out and get moving.  

I had never before considered joining Curves, but last month, a friend from church who works for Curves came to speak to our MOPS group and she made it sound really fun.  She also gave us each a free trial week to check it out, so I decided to give it a try.  Yesterday I went to meet with the owner and made an appointment for this morning.  It was really fun!  I like that you do each station in 30 second periods and I loved the machines.  The time flew by and the other women there were really nice.  I was a little nervous before I went, but I left wishing they'd be open tomorrow so I could go back right away.  I don't have curves yet.  I'd probably describe my shape as scalloped right now.  Judah is our last baby.  I know I have the rest of my life to get in shape, so I'm not obsessing about it.  But it feels good to exercise, and it's nice to get out of the house first thing in the morning.  

I came home refreshed and ready for the day.   We're also looking for a bike trailer so we can get riding again.  Brooklyn and Zeke love riding bikes, and Joe and I do too.  Lately we haven't been able to do much more than riding up and down our street, a few of us at a time, while one parent stays back with the little ones or walks along with a stroller.  But we'll get a trailer or a bike seat for them and we can all go on two wheeled adventures again.






Mothers Day