flashback friday

Ok, so it's really Saturday morning.  I meant to do this yesterday.  There are so many weekly bloggy things people do (Memory verse Monday, Works for me Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, Flashback Friday, tons more... just not thinking of them right now).  I decided to do a Flashback Friday picture.  Because I love pictures and remembering.  This may or may not happen every Friday.  In fact, I can pretty much guarantee it won't.  And I may do some of the others now and then.  So here's my flashback for this week...  Sweet Mercy a few months before we moved.  I love this picture.  It reminds me that she had more hair then.. poor sweetie, still pulls at it, mainly when she's tired.  I should make her something with soft fringes or something that she could play with instead.  We'll see if I can come up with something!


all I have to give


baby weight... wait... or not