I'm thankful.

Yesterday my post was dedicated to our wedding anniversary, which happened to fall on Thanksgiving this year. It was a wonderful day filled with family and friends. I decided to share my list of thankfuls today, a day after Thanksgiving, because everyday is a day to be thankful, not just one Thursday in November. Last year I made a banner for our home reminding us to "choose thankfulness". I have a lot to be thankful for this year. My heart swells just thinking about it. And thinking about it is good, because when you list all the things you have to be thankful for, it shines a light on the shadowy struggles of the present.

So here's my list. In no particular order, and far from complete, because it would take much more space and time to list every single thing.

my husband and four kids.

our extended family, church family and technically non-related family (extraordinary friends).

the amazing friends and memories made during our short time in Minnesota.

having the chance to spend more time with family there.

being back with friends and family here. (wishing somehow we could have everyone at once.. but this is a thankful list, not a wishful list.)

our Father God who always provides. times are tough, but we still have a roof over our heads and we haven't missed a meal yet.

public assistance and the generosity of others. and knowing that we WILL be on the giving end again.

a job that I enjoy. I truly love Starbucks, and connecting with the customers and my co-workers makes it something I can look forward to each morning.

online ways of keeping in touch with friends and family near and far.

the new friends I've made online and the sense of community among them all.

scoring an internship with amazing artist

Mati Rose McDonough

. I'm not only learning a lot and being inspired, but also enjoying a friendship that I


will be long lasting.


Retrieval Project

, which was such a great experience for Joe and I.

having our things back in our home. we were fine without them and would be fine if we never had them back, but it's nice to have things that bring familiar touches and coziness to our home.

the sales I've had this year on

my etsy site

. It took a lot of courage for me to put my art and handmade items out there for the world to see, but I've been blessed and encouraged by the response, and I'm excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.

memories of loved ones who are no longer with us and stories that help them live on in our hearts.

the unconditional love of God, and His mercies, which are new every morning.

peace, joy, and the beauty of nature.



gift idea


15 years.