jenuine ruby:: direction and goals

If you've been reading along on my journey for a while, you may have noticed some changes around here lately. Last month, I finally decided on a name for my handmade items... jenuine ruby. I wrote more about where the name came from in this post. Wanting to keep things simple, I changed the name of the blog to jenuine ruby also. (It was formerly "a *mixed-media* life in progress".) I'm hoping for a few visual changes/ additions coming soon too. For bloggers, as we grow and change and begin new chapters, our blog content naturally follows.

I will continue to write about my journey in life as I strive to glorify the Lover of my soul. I'll also keep writing about my journey as a wife, mom, sister, friend, artist, crafter, and even barista. There will be recipes here and there, photos and links to things that inspire and/or bring me joy. I purpose to be authentic here and it is my hope that when you visit, you may be encouraged. I really do treasure your words and the connections made here, so please comment often!

In making goals for this year, I revisited my 40 x 40 list. If I want to accomplish those things by the time I'm 40, I need to start now and figure out how I want to spread those things out over the next three years. I also added a few new goals for this year. Here's my 2010 list:

1. by the end of the year, I hope to be making at least $500 per month from my art and other handmade items. I know this is not a large amount, but it's much more than I've been making. I had my very first etsy sale about six months ago and it has been growing slowly. I want to start contributing more significantly to the family income. My 40x40 goal is to be making $2,000 plus per month, but I'm setting realistic goals, so I'll reach for the $500 mark for now.

2. sell my wares in local shops. I need to get on this.

3. go to Squam. (they just posted the new retreat schedules yesterday (5 retreats this year!)... oh how I long to go!

4. new website or at least a well organized blog with pages and graphics that suit me.

5. develop a brand/ style for my art and handmade items so that the look is more cohesive and recognizable. (consistency from the look and feel of my blog to my artwork to my crafts and sewn goodies.)

6. have a booth at a craft fair. at least one, but I'd love to do more.

7. backyard mini adventure playground

8. start making bread from scratch monthly

9. make and use my own laundry detergent

10. start a backyard vegetable garden

11. make and wear more of my own clothes

12. make and stick to a weekly menu plan

13. participate in Illustration Friday

14. complete Couch to 5k running plan. They even have an iphone app now... hubby has it and it's awesome. That will be one of the first apps I download when I get my iphone.

15. family vacation to the Grand Canyon

16. try at least one new recipe every month

17. participate in Toy Society

18. tip 100% to a server who is having a hard day, even if they don't really "deserve" it according to the service provided

19. try a new craft or art project with the kids each month

20. go to a new park every month with the kids

21. go on monthly dates with Joe

22. sleep in the back yard with the family

23. make a doll for Mercy

24. do collaborative paintings with Brooklyn

25. host a Stone Soup party

26. learn to make lumpia

27. learn to embroider

28. complete The Artist's Way

29. learn to crochet

30. complete Joe's course on drawing tattoo style roses

31. take a trip to Portland and begin a new hair journey with dreads (more on this soon!)

There are a few additions here, but I realized that most of the things from my previous list made it to this one. The main exceptions are the trips. I love love love to travel... but maybe if I work really hard this year, I'll set us up for some good trips in the future. Joe is working hard too, and though the last two years have been a struggle, we believe this is our year for breakthrough and prosperity!



jenuine ruby:: bag for Mati


word of the year. 2010