June goals

Oops... sneaking in a bit late here. I can't believe it's already JUNE!!!

First, we'll check in on how I did with my May goals:

1. finish logo

(done. well it's kind of cheating, but I decided I liked the look of this image that I drew in my sketch book a while back. So I'm going with it. For now at least!)

2. shop update

(done. to see what's been added, head on over to my



3. make more coffee sleeves, baby blankets and headbands (I'm going to have a table at a women's tea at our church in a few weeks)

(done! and it was a success. I'm still making more, more, more!)

4. 4 new paintings

(nope. backgrounds near finished, but the paintings are not complete. oops.)

5. new business cards

(also nope. I was waiting to have a new logo figured out before I ordered any, but I like the hand-drawn look of the one above, so I'll incorporate that and order asap!)

6. apply to more local craft fairs

(yes! I applied to a local one, now I'm just waiting to hear back. I also need to apply for a seller's permit. I think I'll feel so official with that! =) Yay!)

7. start weekly blog feature

(ummm... no. but coming soon! as in this Friday... I'm starting a "featured artist Friday" spot, where I'll interview and feature an artist that inspires me. If you'd like to be considered, email me!)

8. blog at least 4-5 times per week

(still not quite there. I know you understand.)

Now for my goals for June:

1. begin weekly "featured artist Friday" on my blog

2. finish up a tutorial I've been working on and post it. (hint: summery top with help from vintage linens... major part of my summer wardrobe!)

3. make more bags! (by popular request.... and by the way, I LOVE popular requests!)

4. upload more photos to my

jenuine ruby facebook page

(do you "like" me yet???)

5. finish writing my "about" page.

6. send out a newsletter. (you can sign up to receive it in my left sidebar!)


flying lessons and a new summer schedule


I need glasses! 8 )