monthly goals meet up- May

It's crazy that another month has come and gone! We're in full Spring mode around here... gorgeous weather, ready for the school year to be over.

Here's my April progress report:

1. design a logo (in progress.... I've drawn up a rough sketch, but I need to borrow hubby's computer to finish it up in photoshop.)

2. make a few widgets (done!... wanna grab a button for your blog? I have three options in my sidebar.)

3. at least 4 paintings (done! will be uploaded and listed in my shop tonight!)

4. 12 more things for my shop (done! upload and shop update tonight!)

5. blog makeover (completed and sent off my homework to


... I'm on the waiting list for an extreme makeover.. changes expected early July! SO excited about this big step!)

6. start weekly blog feature (nope... coming soon.)

7. submit stuff for craft fair (Yesterday I participated in an event with a local group, Women Supporting Women in Business. We had several vendors, some representing direct sales companies and a couple of indie businesses. The weather was so nice I think it kept people away, but I think we all had a few sales and made new contacts.)

8. blog at least 4-5 times per week (some weeks were better than others.)

Goals for May:

1. finish logo

2. shop update (tonight!)

3. make more coffee sleeves, baby blankets and headbands (I'm going to have a table at a women's tea at our church in a few weeks)

4. 4 new paintings

5. new business cards

6. apply to more local craft fairs

7. start weekly blog feature

8. blog at least 4-5 times per week


jenuine ruby shop update!


new twitter!