my cute girl and her diy boots

This morning I came across

this project

via this

blog post

and just knew we'd have to make some of these lovelies. I showed it to Brooklyn (12) and she


to make some

right now

! She's going to be in a play this week through our local college and was off to rehearsal, but we had a few minutes and whipped these up. Seriously, about 15-20 minutes spent on these. Try it!

Here's what we started with:


An older pair of my slippers. Coming apart at the seams but I saved them (thankfully) thinking I'd re-stitch them sometime. The original tutorial used a regular pair of shoes, but she didn't have any that she could spare for the project and as I said, she wanted them to wear today, so we used what we had. They're also a little big for her, but she doesn't care. She's excited that, in her words, "that means I can still wear them even when I'm

your age

, Mom!" The sweater was a thrift store find a while back. I bought it because I loved the colors and the stripes. I thought Brooklyn might wear it, and if not I'd turn it into something cheery for the home.


They do look a bit homemade, but I like that. And so does she, which is what really counts. I love her style. She mixes and matches colors and patterns and layers like nobody's business. No seriously, she doesn't care and it really isn't anybody's business. She wears what she likes regardless of fads and styles. I remember about a year ago, noticing a particular outfit she had on, I told her I loved it and asked her if she thinks she'd still wear that if she went to public school (we were homeschooling her at the time). Sadly, she replied, "not a chance!" She does attend school this year, Waldorf methods school which is a public charter. And I'm happy to say she still has her same funky, super cute style.


Here she is, all ready to go. I think we'll turn the hood of the sweater into a cute hat, maybe adding a finger knitted chain to finish it off. Today she wore it as is. The rest of the sweater is next to her on the bed. It will probably become a pillow and possibly part of those Christmas stockings I never got around to in December.

I'm very sorry about the poor image quality here. My camera is out for repairs so I used the photo booth application on my laptop and tilted + lifted for just the right angle and light. I miss my camera!


diy laundry detergent


sweet slumber.