spring is springing!

I keep hearing about snow fall still happening in some parts of the US. Though we've had quite a big of rain lately, here in the San Francisco Bay Area, Spring is definitely on its way. I noticed our lovely plum tree in the backyard today full of white blossoms. Kind of resembles snow fall if you just glance at it quickly!

Notice the ever growing and changing tree house the kids are working on in the backyard with some neighbor friends! I love it so much.

We're even getting a few colorful blooms in our backyard. I love these cheery daffodils.

The kids have been doing a lot of playing outside lately. We're expecting more rain this weekend, but we're enjoying every bit of sunshine while it's here!

This is the type of play that happens in our backyard: riding around in these awesome pedal cars, swinging on the old swing, building/climbing the kid-made tree house, climbing every other tree in the yard, riding bikes and scooters, skateboarding (notice the grinding rail in the photo above), coloring with chalk, playing ball (football, basketball, soccer, and any other ball they can find) and plenty of make believe play.

Other signs of spring around here lately: I love that when I open the windows I can hear springtime sounds like lawn mowers mowing, birds singing, people talking as they walk on the path that runs beside our house, tennis balls bouncing in the nearby court, basketballs also bouncing out there, children laughing and playing.

Today Brooklyn even wore shorts to school. It's a really good thing it is such a nice day because I totally forgot that this is her early day and was pretty late picking her up. Oops. No super mom awards for me today!

All this sunshine and springtime goodness makes me want to get to creating some spring-inspired goodies. Full of bright colors and blooms. (shop update coming soon!)


decisions, decisions.


our baby is two!