things I'm looking forward to... part two

Last night when the kids talked to Joe, he said they'd just had some thunder and lightning.  That will be next on my list.  I LOVE a  good thunder storm!  And it's kind of fun that they occur randomly and then let up and the sun comes out again.  

Before I go any further in my list.. I have to include family.  We're leaving a lot of family and friends here, but we are really looking forward to being near Joe's extended family in Minnesota.  His grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and their kids still live there.  I wish we'd be closer (his dad's side of the family is about an hour away, and his mom's side about three hours or so).  But still, we'll see them much more often than we do now, and they are super sweet people.  Judah is one of four babies born in the last five months on one side of the family.  And there are more cousins that are our other kids' ages.  They had a blast playing together last summer.  We'll also be a little closer to Joe's mom and brother's family in Colorado, and a two-day drive away from my dad and his wife in Florida.  So we'll terribly miss our family and friends here, but we will get to see other family more often, and that's a good thing to look forward to.


we found a place


things I'm looking forward to... part one