this week

Quilt Bug

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Today is National Quilt day! I haven't quilted anything lately, but isn't this bug super cute! I wish I had seen and had time to make


. I bookmarked it to come back to.

This week has sure had its ups and downs.

Joe has been working 7 days a week for over a month. Business is picking up, which is great... but working 5 days a week locally and 2 days in Monterey (two hours away)... we're tired.

But he had his last night working his second (or is it third?) job as a bouncer in a hip night club. Some mornings he'd be coming home just as I was getting up to go to work. We've been passing ships for a while, and it's taking its toll.

I open at Starbucks 5 days a week. This is my first time working in over 12 years. I do enjoy my job. I love my customers and the people I work with but I miss mornings with my kids. I miss getting them ready/ excited about special days. (On Wednesday I left a note on the bathroom mirror that said, "Happy St. Patricks Day! Wear green!) I was sad not to be there.

But we had Lucky Charms for dinner that night because that's Irish, right?

We had tough conversations.

We got a scary phone call from Joe's brother in Colorado. My mother-in-law had been home from work, sick with the flu and passed out. She was hurt but she was somehow able to call Rob (Joe's brother) for help and he called for an ambulance and met them at her apartment. She was taken to the local hospital and then later transferred to a trauma center in Denver. Basically she broke her neck. She broke the C5 vertebra and C6 was shoved 30% into the C7. She had surgery Wednesday night and they say it went well. She has no paralysis (thank God!!!). They did another c-scan this morning because she had been very lethargic and was falling asleep mid-sentence, so they wanted to rule out a head injury.. but it came back fine. It's so hard to be far away when things like this happen. Joe's sister (who also lives in CA) is there and will help take care of her for about 2 weeks and then Joe will go for one week. So sad/ scary... but we're thankful that she's going to be ok! We'd appreciate your prayers for a speedy and restful recovery.

A very special member of our church family passed away this week. He finally got to go Home after his battle with cancer. This man played Jesus in our Easter plays for several years. He showed such love and compassion, especially in the scene where he extended his arms and said, "Let the little children come unto me." (All the little children in the play would run up to him and sit at his side or in his lap.) He also played guitar for our worship team. He definitely has looked like it was taking a lot out of him lately, but you just knew he wanted to be there. Even last Sunday, just a few days before he died, he was on stage, playing his heart out in worship. I remember him coming to the coffee shop at our church (my favorite place to volunteer ever)... he always wanted 2 splendas in his latte, and he wanted to warm the cream cheese packet in his hands or under his arms while his bagel toasted. He leaves behind a wife who truly adores him, two grown (in their 20s) children, and a church family who will miss him very much.


three wishes


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