
About a month ago, a package full of treasure came to my door step. I am a big lover of old hymns, and have fond memories of singing these songs in the lovely old chapel that our family went to when I was younger. There were some old favorites, and if I could get my hands on the exact hymnals we used, I'd be so so excited. There was a red one and a blue one, and I remember the favorites, like "#508 in the red" (I think that was "It is Well". My younger sister and I would always giggle and sing "It isSwell"... That song is still a favorite of mine.)

I thought it would be fun to incorporate some old hymnal music sheets into some collage artwork, so I went looking on ebay. I was elated when I won this set (for 9.99, I do believe). A good friend also gave me one that she had after I told her I wanted these.

I think I'll keep one or two just for decoration. But I'm also using them, and loving going through the pages, reading the titles and humming tunes to the ones I remember.

You may have seen this collage painting that I did, using some of these pages. A couple of weeks ago, I was looking for a place to store the coffee sleeves I had finished, and found this Skippy peanut butter box from Costco to be a great size, but not very attractive. So I took it out to my "studio" and got to work...

A little mod podge, and some pages from the hymn books, and I now have this:

A perfect fit!

Labels: crafts


little pink houses


make shift wagon