why it’s good to have more than one vision board
You might have dreams and goals that are really big and seem far off, but seeing them daily can help motivate you to do things that will get you closer to reaching them. Even if you’re just taking baby steps, over time, those baby steps get you a lot closer than standing still does.
Making a vision board is a fun, easy, creative project AND it can be a really meaningful tool to help you reach your goals.
Vision boards help you focus on what’s really important to you.
Seeing the things you’re striving for helps to keep you focused on reaching your goals. Having the visual reminder can motivate you and help you make desicions that are aligned with what you really want for your life (and/or business). It can also help you be more aware of opportunities and resources that can lead you to reaching your goal.
I have two vision boards currently displayed in my creative space.
Making space for big dreams
My creative space is in our garage. The red hearts are magnets that hold my vision board to the metal garage door.
I made this vision board about a year ago with some big, God-size dreams and some general words and phrases for how I want to live.
There are images for the kind of home I want to create, with cozy, inviting spaces for people to gather. Pictures of nature because it always refreshes my mind, spirit, and body when I get outside.
And puppies because I really need a dog. Our beloved Cooper died a few years ago, and though he’ll never be replaced, I’m ready to love a dog again and would really like to have another little (or giant) loyal companion.
The rest of the pictures represent my big [God-size] dream:
To open an art studio (ideally/eventually in a big barn or industrial building on a property we own).
A place where permission is given to experiment and play.
A place of worship.
A place with open studio hours for creatives.
A place with workshops and retreats for times of learning, connecting, and healing.
A place of inclusivity, non-judgement, and freedom to be exactly who we were made to be.
A place of love and acceptance.
Depending on the place, it could also double as a venue for events like parties and weddings. And maybe a Christmas tree farm.
Keeping short term goals in sight
I took photos of this board and am using it as my background on my laptop. It’s also displayed in my creative space.
I created this one at a vision board workshop my sister hosted a few weeks ago, and I was more focused on my vision for this year than my long term goals.
Before the workshop I asked (partly as a prayer, and partly to myself): what can I do now to live the life I really want and feel called to, that will also help me get closer to my big dreams and goals?”.
The answer was pretty clear. I’ve had ideas for classes, workshops, and tutorials that stay neatly penned in journals and digital notebooks. My goal is to create them and offer them. I need to stop waiting for the “perfect” time or space. I can use what I have (this online space) and build from here.
I believe we all have gifts and talents inside of us that are meant to be a light for others. My tendency has been to keep it all locked up (out of fear of vulnerability), telling myself I’m not good enough and it doesn’t really matter.
It’s time to stop shrinking back and let my light shine. And I really want to encourage you to do the same! What gifts are in you that are aching to come out?
I was so inspired by Dr. Edie Wadsworth’s Made for More workshop. Here are a few Dr. Edie quotes that really impacted me from that training:
“Nothing else will satisfy my need to share my gifts.”
“We weren’t made for comfort; we were made for contribution.”
“When I don’t shine my light, the world not only misses out on me sharing my gifts; they also miss out on the miracle inside of me. His light. His love. His power.”
Obviously, my dreams don’t work unless I do. It helps to have these boards where I can see them often, but they’re only effective if they spur me into action. I don’t want to just wish for what’s displayed on them. I want to take steps that are moving me closer to living them out.
Having vision boards for both big dreams and short term goals helps me see what I’m working towards in the future and what I can do now with what I have in this season.
Have you made a vision board? It’s always inspiring to see what others create. Wanna share? Links are welcome in the comments.