
Yesterday, I was up from 3am until midnight.... but it was so worth it. I worked in the morning and had a full day with the kids... then my friend Geri and I took our girls to San Francisco to see Wicked. So so so amazing!!! If there's one playing anywhere near you and you have a chance to see it, you definitely should! So many amazing little details. Funny, sad, heartwarming. Full of wonder, bringing the story of The Wizard of Oz full circle. (Kind of like a book we have, "

The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs

"... it's the wolf's side of the story.

Everybody's favorite, "Popular"... you should buy the cd just for this song!

My sweet friend Geri and I after

Mission Pie,

before the show. (The only cameras we had with us were our phones.. excuse the grainy-ness!)

Our cute girls Loida and Brooklyn... quick tummy filling before the show started (and a quad americano to keep this momma awake!)

We had SUCH a fun night!!! My legs were very restless for about the last half hour... but it was so amazing. And somehow I was wide awake before 6:00 this morning. I took the day off work... got up and took Brooklyn to school, and now I'm sitting in a different Starbucks getting some work done. It's nice to be on the other side of the counter sometimes! =)


I need glasses! 8 )


it was a good Saturday.