wishing and dreaming

I've had this dream for a while of living on a farm. I found the perfect one while driving our daughter to her play rehearsals last month. This place was for sale, but last week when I went to take these photos, the for sale sign was gone. =(

I love so much about this place. It's rural yet close enough to the places we frequent. It's got lots of charm. Space for horses. Joe and Zeke like that there's space for a moto cross track. I imagine that space above the garage would be a lovely studio. Quaint, spacious, lots of room to romp and play and have big gatherings. I dream of a place like this. I'd love to have horses to ride, chickens to keep, and Brooklyn wants a cow "to pet". I'd love to have sheep to raise and to learn all about how to sheer them and make the wool into yarn or use it as roving in needle felting. We'd also have a garden. Oh my lovely dream home. Someday. Somewhere over the rainbow perhaps.


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