
Wow, it's rushing by!  I haven't blogged in a while.  I've had fun reading others' blogs, but I haven't been doing much of my own.  We're trying to get the most out of this summer while we're still here, and so far we've been busy.  After Joe and I came home from Minnesota, we had "Cousin Camp" at my sister's house.  It was a crazy fun week for 10 silly kids and their moms.

The next week, our kids had "Mega Sports Camp" at church.  Kind of like VBS, but with a sports theme.  They had a blast.  Then, a dear friend from church, who hosts a cookie baking and decorating day every December, arranged to have a special cookie party at the end of June since I won't be here at Christmas  time.  So sweet.  So we baked, decorated, ate soup and cookies, talked, laughed and had a relaxing time together.

Last week, Brooklyn went to summer camp.  It's strange writing or even thinking about our little girl going to camp... but our sister and brother in law are directors at a camp, and Brooklyn went with two of her cousins on Joe's side of the family.  They had a great time.  She was super tired at the end of the week, but it was all worth it.  So special to have that time together.

While she was gone, I got a little packing done, cared for a baby boy with tummy troubles, and played with a two-and-a-half year old.  Zeke got to stay at camp for a couple of days with another cousin (at their house there).  The day after he came home, he went to a sleepover with his best friends here (minus one, who was at Disneyland).  Then the fourth of July festivities began... so much fun!  Now we're off to Disneyland ourselves for a few days, joined by my sister Kelly and her family.  Sadly, Michelle's family won't be joining us.. but we still have time to have fun with them before we move.  I can't believe how quickly our time here is coming to an end.  I'm really sad when I think about it but I'm still enjoying the time we have left and haven't really let myself dwell on the sadness for very long yet.  After Disneyland, we're going to a wedding and then we'll be home for two weeks packing and getting ready.  Right before we move, I'm going to our women's retreat in Tahoe.  That will be super fun but likely super sad at the same time.  I'm just enjoying every minute I have left with friends and family.. and I'm thankful that I've been blessed with such amazing friendships that I know will live on even after we've moved from here.



such sweet sorrow


we found a place