such sweet sorrow

Parting, that is.  I haven't blogged in a while.  We've been having a fun, busy, purposeful summer.  I can't believe our time here is winding down so quickly.  Next week (it's really down to next week already?) the movers come to load everything and then we begin our journey.  Sunday when we were up in front of church, Joe said it might just be for a season, that hopefully we'll be back.  I do hope so.  But I'm going with an open mind.  Only God knows what's on the next step. 

I've savored many sweet moments with friends and family this summer.  I'm sure some are wishing we'd just hurry up and leave already.  This whole going away thing started pretty early.  It was the beginning of June when we had the potluck/going away party at Bible study.  Then a few weeks later my sweet friend Corliss had her cookie party (usually at Christmas time, but at the end of June since I won't make it to the December one this year).  After Disneyland, I surprised when a ladies pottery painting night turned into making mugs for me to take with me.  Then dinner with a few close friends who'd love to go every month, but it usually only happens a few times a year, and we made sure to squeeze one in before our move.  And our last time to host "family night".  And the dinner for the coffee shop workers.  And our last Sunday at church.  So many lasts (for now at least).  It must seem too drawn out for some, but we didn't plan it that way.  And one thing's for sure.  I feel loved.  God has been so good, and He's blessed us with such amazing family and friends here.  I have savored each moment and will treasure the pictures and the memories.  

Now we're getting to the hard part.  The real goodbyes.  All these other going-away-ish things weren't too sad because we'd still see these people since we weren't leaving yet.  But Sunday may have been the last time we'd see some of them for a while.  And tonight we had dinner with and had to say goodbye to a special family who has become our family.  Tomorrow we'll see my mom and Kelly's family for the last time until one of us visits the other.  Sarah and Eric are so busy at camp, I'm not even sure if we'll get to see them again before we go.  Michelle is here in town, so we'll should still see each other this week.  Our kids want to have a sleepover and I want to spend time with them.  I get her kids for two weeks in September/October while she's in Russia on a missions trip.  It will be great having them at our new place, and may make it easier to say goodbye here.  Also, our super good friends are ALL (20 of them) coming at the end of the week that we'll get there.  They have family in St. Paul and will come to our neck of the woods... I mean lakes... for the day.  Another great friend is hoping to come for Mercy's birthday in October.  Knowing people are coming takes a little bit of the sting away.  I have that old Boys2Men song going through my head.. "It's so hard to say goodbye... I'll take with me the memories to be my sunshine after the rain (snow in my case)..."

I know God is going before us and with us.  And I know we'll be okay once we're there.  Joe's aunt has already offered to come help us unpack and get settled.  And I've already connected with a few homeschooling moms in the area through a homeschool group's website I found.  But I'll so miss all of our loved ones here.  I'm so glad for fun times these last few months.  I'm glad for opportunities to just enjoy the company of friends and make memories with family.  I'm leaving with a sad heart, but with a cup overflowing (make that seven mugs overflowing!).  Filled up to be poured out... I guess I better be ready to be poured out.




we made it

