we made it

Well I'm sitting in my new living room in a little town in Minnesota.  Yesterday my mood matched the drizzly, gray skies.  It was Joe's first day at work here and I was left at home waiting for the guy to come connect our internet... with four kids, lots of boxes, and the reality that this is our life now.  It all started yesterday morning when I went to join Curves.  I had to fill out paperwork and when I got to the part where I had to fill in my nearest relative I almost started crying.  I just skipped it and moved on.

Things have actually been going pretty well.  Really well even.  We have been so blessed by God's goodness and the body of Christ coming through when we really have needed it.  The move didn't go as planned.  Over three months ago Joe hired movers to move our household stuff and car haulers to haul his classic cars.  Both fell through four days after we left California.  I don't need to go into the details of the long story, but basically Joe ended up flying back after we'd driven half way, gathered some friends to help load a Uhaul, and moved our stuff himself.  His sister Sarah also helped by driving his truck out for us.  She spent her birthday driving across highway 80, through Utah, Wyoming and into Nebraska.  We love her.  While on the road, Joe called the church I'd scoped out online to see if they might have anyone available to help us unload when we got here.  Our sister in law in Colorado also made some phone calls, because she grew up not far from here and has connections still.  Shortly after we pulled in, we were met by some Masters Commission students from the church, Joe's cousin and her fiance, and some friend's of Melita's.. who even brought dinner for everyone.  We were really blown away.  God takes care of us even out here in the boonies in Minnesota!  

Two days later, we got to spend the day with the Peterson clan.  They are our very dear friends (family) from our church  in Vallejo.  Pastor Scott and Betsy both grew up in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area and their parents are still there, so the whole family (19 of them) came to visit and set aside a day to spend with us.  It was great to see them and get away from the boxes for a day.  On Saturday there was a kids carnival at the church, so we went and the kids had a good time.  We met the pastors and Joe was invited to the senior pastor's house that night for a pay per view UFC fight.  He loved that.  We also had some visitors come by to meet us at the house... I had joined a homeschool group online and had been corresponding with a mom a little since joining.  She and another mom brought their kids over to meet us and she's offered to help fill out the paperwork I need to file for homeschooling here.  On Saturday at the kids carnival, her daughter brought us some yummy homemade banana/chocolate chip bread.  We were warmly welcomed at church on Sunday too, and the kids enjoyed kids church.  After church, we headed down to Minneapolis to hang out and swim with the Petersons at their hotel.  We enjoyed our time together again and came to our final goodbye.  Then we headed home and went to bed.  

I guess after all that busy-ness, it's understandable why yesterday was a hard day.  Joe went to work and I was in my new reality.   I'm confident though, that God will be by my side through this huge adjustment and He'll be my strength.  I'll probably blog more as I go through this process.  For now, I must tend to my sweet Judah, who just woke up from his nap.




settling in


such sweet sorrow